What Mother Moon Has Taught Me II

I spoke previously in my last blog about the Zenith of the astrological effects of Cancer and Capricorn on Mamma Earth and Her inhabitants according to one's location on Earth. I spoke of how actually contrary to what is taught, that Capricorn would actually effect North America, Europe and Northern Asia at its Zenith and NOT Africa, and what is known as South America at this time. It makes sense that the energies of North America would match Capricorn more fully on the major. Consider how the numbers 666 are always given acknowledgement here in the media and so forth. This being the sign of materialism and physical matter,  as well as solar energy which is always encouraged and acknowledged in this country. Solar deities (sun gods) are deified and worshipped here,  almost non-stop. 

Moon deities and energies are hardly ever acknowledged here or encouraged in studies of any kind, but are the main focus in places such as middle to South Asia, India, South America and many African countries (at least those that haven't been seriously affected by colonialism/neo-colonialism).

Turn your maps around and consider THIS to be the FACTUAL geography of our Earth
Turn your maps around and consider THIS to be the FACTUAL geography of our Earth

Another clue is just using some context clues and a bit of common sense. Why is South Africa considered the "upper" part of Africa if in fact the geography that they teach us is actual fact?  Wouldn't logically just by looking at the map,  we would call South Africa the 'lower' half or bottom of Africa? Yet we are told that it is actually the upper part of Africa?!!! The same thing with Egypt (Kemet). We call what we see (according to the maps we have been given) as the lower part of Egypt (Kemet) "Upper Egypt" and what we see (on the maps we've been given), as the top part of Egypt (Kemet),which has been told to us to be "Lower Egypt (Kemet)." Well, we can clearly hear and see the contradictions and confusion in all of this if we are TRULY honest with ourselves.... COME ON SON/SUN! Let's get real😏😒! So, WHY IS THIS , if the maps haven't been PURPOSELY turned upside down by some entities that are possibly being deceptive about this information?!?  It just takes some honest assessment and pondering of what we can actually see with all three eyes. 

There are those "teaching" that humanity does not originate from Africa but from the North Center of the Earth. Well maybe, just maybe, we have been given a false geography throughout the past few centuries (perhaps the past five hundred) and if we were to turn our maps upside down, it would be seen, what not only I but other Afrikan scholars have suggested over the years. We would see, THEN, IN FACT, that the "North Center" of the Earth, that has been claimed by some to be the beginnings of life on Earth (where life originated and then from there, those peoples "spread out" over the Earth, called by some The Ripple Effect), but "NOT Africa" IS IN FACT, AFRICA!!! 

Some people are denying their/our roots, because of issues with self-hate and/or they are a part of the oppressor's deceptions of life on Earth and it's TRUE ORIGINS. This being done as an economic and political ploy based in conquering and dominating others for these oppressor's own selfish agendas. Either way, the TRUTH is coming out in this time of the end of these wicked systems that have dominated the Earth and Her inhabitants to their injury.  This is the time of Revelations and Maatian Rise. Mamma Moon is shining brighter than the Sun at this moment. It is now, HER appointed time. 

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