Posts tagged with "astrology"

27. March 2018
I spoke previously in my last blog about the Zenith of the astrological effects of Cancer and Capricorn on Mamma Earth and Her inhabitants according to one's location on Earth. I spoke of how actually contrary to what is taught, that Capricorn would actually effect North America, Europe and Northern Asia at its Zenith and NOT Africa, and what is known as South America at this time. It makes sense that the energies of North America would match Capricorn more fully on the major. Consider how the...
25. March 2018
To anyone looking at these two maps, the logical conclusion, just by sight (logic being a masculine trait, by the way), is that they are upside down, right? But perhaps, you would start to look at them as actually being correct, if you studied lunar astrology and began to recognize the errors in what we have actually been led to believe over a matter of time. For instance, in the book I am studying about lunar astrology at this time, it is talking about the Moon and its effects over us...
08. March 2018
As with my first Destiny Cards Reading blog, my focus is centered on the last year of Bro. Khalid's earthly life, before his untimely passing. In order to do this, I must however, start this reading seven years before, in 1993. The picture above shows him at Kean College. The picture below gives the details as to what ensued at that lecture: