To anyone looking at these two maps, the logical conclusion, just by sight (logic being a masculine trait, by the way), is that they are upside down, right? But perhaps, you would start to look at them as actually being correct, if you studied lunar astrology and began to recognize the errors in what we have actually been led to believe over a matter of time. For instance, in the book I am studying about lunar astrology at this time, it is talking about the Moon and its effects over us according to where we happen to be on the earth. For example, the Moon in Cancer at its Zenith is said to have its greatest effects on those in the Northern Hemisphere (as we have been taught to be North America or the United States including Canada, Alaska and Hawaii). Let us look at the energies of Cancer:
Anyone who knows anything about astrology or who is into esoteric studies knows that these are descriptions of feminine principles. These traits, as it says above, are "ruled by the Moon." Moon astrology is not much studied in North America on a whole but it is in African, South American and East Indian and Asian societies. They concentrate much more on feminine principles, esoteric Moon energies and how they influence Earth and Her humanity. Just with that knowledge alone, doesn't it make more sense that Cancer in its Zenith would affect that part of the earth much more influentially (Africa, South America and the surrounding geography) than North America (the United States and it's surrounding areas)??
With that being said, let us now put our focus on Capricorn and it's effects when it is said to be in its Zenith and how it is claimed to influence the other side of the earth (Africa, South America and it's surrounding geography) at the time of Capricorn's Zenith, by looking at the traits of Capricorn:
It says above, Capricorn belongs to the element of earth, which is a physical, exoteric quality. These are the opposite of esoteric, feminine traits which are represented by Cancer.
Ok. Anyway, as I already stated with Cancer, anyone who studies esoteric knowledge would know that Capricorn's traits are masculine centered, energy wise. With this being said, wouldn't Capricorn at its Zenith fit the traits of a patriarchal, masculine based, aggressive society like North America, Europe and what is considered Northern Asia more than it would the other side of the world, as is claimed through the study of astrology as we now know of it in our society??
So, if this is the case, just through the study of this bit of information that I've stated here, would indicate that perhaps, the "knowledge" that has been given to us by our "educators" has in fact been inversed, made backwards and put upside down like our map above has been, as well. And if this is the case, those who claim we come from the North of the world, but try to exclude Africa as being our origin of birth, should perhaps, turn their given maps around and then they will see that they have partial knowledge that is only half of the story. Then they will see that "the North point of Origin" IS AFRICA when the maps are shown in their correct form (the half that's never been told). African/Black people in America and throughout the Diaspora MUST start studying their own original traditions, crafts, arts and religions based in spirituality, if we want to receive the truth of OUR existence here and beyond. We have to stop running from ourselves, which means we have to stop running from OUR Motherland, Africa and claiming that we don't have our origins from HER, therefore cutting off our matrilineage as if it DOESN'T EXIST and ONLY acknowledging a patriarchal paradigm which is causing us imbalances. These which have been to the DETRIMENT of OUR whole selves (feminine and masculine).
We must go within to get the truth. We cannot do that without the Moon. This is what Mother Moon (Mamma) taught me.
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