Downloads, Epiphanies and More 🙌

Collective Lower Consciousness

"Go-alongs": They "go along" to get along.
"Go-alongs": They "go along" to get along.


The precious stone in the doo-doo. Will you pick it out?
The precious stone in the doo-doo. Will you pick it out?

Down and Out or In and Up?

Many would rather lay down...
Many would rather lay down...
...than be raised up
...than be raised up

July 28, 2023- WHY

I suppose I will say that there are times I wonder why I do this. Then I answer myself, "Because it's my job". But, WHY do a thankless job, where no one seems to care or appreciate you or the sacrifices you make? Loving a people who have not proven to love you back? Who leave you to suffer and kick you when you're down?? WHO betray you EVERY CHANCE THEY GET?!! Then I hear brother Khalid saying; "Someone has to be strong". I don't know anything else. I don't know how NOT to fight! I don't know how to back down from injustice. It's in my genetics 🧬..... it's in my spirit.... it's ALL THAT I AM!!! Sometimes, I just want to walk away and not look 🔙. "Fuck this", I wanna say, but soon afterwards, after a small bit of time, the inspiration hits through all of the pains and disappointments. Besides, where do you go, when you're a prisoner on your own land!! I have the RIGHT to tell MY STORY!! I HAVE THE RIGHT TO EXPRESS MY HORRORS!! MY HURTS!!! THIS IS MY PAIN AND WHO ARE YOU TO TELL ME TO "LET IT GO", WHEN YOU KEEP ANTAGONIZING AND CAUSING IT!!!! The unmitigated gaul!

1/5/24 - It's True: YOU Are your BIGGEST Enemy

The Biggest Battle
The Biggest Battle

It doesn't take much to be a bully or even to control others. The BIGGEST DUMMY can dominate over others with physical force and even with a bit of charm and 'tongue 😛 hustling.' Acting or being in the manner of an insensitive, desensitized, cave beast, imposing ones will onto others and being illogical, unfeeling, with no rhyme or reason in ones dealings with others except to devour relentlessly, to the detriment of all life around you is asanine, unnatural, and toxic! On the other hand, it takes a lot of inner strength, patience, wisdom, and rightful intelligence to control oneself, ones impulses, thoughts and desires. Compulsion can be a powerful force and must be wisely dealt with, and if not, can quickly spin out of control. Often getting people in trouble or hurt. You notice that many people seem to have the HARDEST time controlling their own habits, addictions, desires and impulses, but are QUICK to tell others what to do, say and how to be. Even to the point of being manipulative, sneaky, and even getting violent, overtly and covertly, in order to have THEIR way with others. Once again, it doesn't take much to be an overbearing, mindless, insensitive brute. Any uncivilized, dispirited, unintelligent being can do that, and use money, along with charm and cunning to get what they want. I find, it takes a GREATER, more self-disciplined person who possesses will power to RIGHTFULLY claim REAL POWER and HIGHER ENERGY COMPLEXES. That's where power REALLY resides. 

They're All My Enemies

One thing I have experienced and come to face here: I have NO FRIENDS. Caucasians, Eurasians, Mongoloids, Europeans, and all pale people are my mortal enemies. On the same hand, Niijis (American blacks), Africans and all of the black people that I have had some kind of relationship, associations, etc., are my enemies as well and ALL treat me the same: with derision, hate, jealousy, hate and pain. They are spiritually, all the same. I AM MY ONLY FRIEND, FAMILY, AND THE ONE I CAN TRUST. PERIOD. Not one of them has PROVEN TO BE ANY BETTER THAN THE OTHER, IN THIS TIME. I have not been able to trust any of these groups. Therefore, that's the way I live my life here. On my own and loving myself because I won't be finding Iove in any of THESE beings that mostly are soulless and have not the ability to love me or anyone else, for that matter. "The world 🌍 loves what's its own" and that's not saying much.