Deeper Meanings of the Major Arcana

I won't be writing these in order of cards in the deck (0-Fool thru XXI-World), but as they come up in readings that I do on a daily basis or other wise. These will be based on the esoteric meanings and symbolisms given to the cards by different authors who engaged in the practice themselves and based their interpretations on their ancient meanings and so forth.

Today, we will talk about The Tower and A.E. Thierens' description as well as the inner symbolism and interpretations. I will quote his interpretations and give my own along the way of what he says/said: "And the stone tower struck by a flash of lightening is another version of the legend of Ouranos mutilating his son Chronos, which means, that Heaven is not content with a body of fixed dimensions and form (physical-*my add), nor any heavenly force with the limitations put to it by physical authorities or architects (*material bodies and manifestations that limit the spirit). This may warn man, not to build upon physical existence alone (putting all of ones attention on the material world {materialism} to the detriment of spiritual attainments and growth) or to think himself safe upon a material basis, however high and solid it may appear from a material point of view. The general meaning, however, is not incidental but essential."... the ruin of the house of life, when evil has prevailed therein" (W.) is one of many possible occurrences; it may signify 'blighted ambitions and hopes,' etc. (P.), but the universal and every day significance is: the renewal of the form, or rather of embodied life, by the force of Heaven, and of microcosm by the life of macrocosm, which incidentally of course breaks up forms here and there, if they are no longer fit for survival; the house of doctrine as well as every structure made by vanity, dogmatism and separativeness (racism, male chauvinism, ageism, and most all of the other isms)."

"W. has put it very clearly in this quotation: "Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it (*therefore, whatever is not built on the Most High Spirit as the foundation, will perish and is a waste of time.)."

"So the card of the Tower signifies the relation between macro- and micro-cosm and will mean rupture, sudden disillusion, disenchantment, but also it symbolizes intuition, renewal, help from above and clear insight in relation to vanity and sham projects (like America), illusion and meaningless formalism (religion, politics, capitalism, etc.)."

Now, we will look at P.D. Ouspensky's description and symbolic interpretation of The Tower🗼 tarot card:

"Sectarianism. Tower of Babel. Exoterism (outer or surface knowledge; mundane and lacking depth) Confusion of tongues. Fall of exoterism (the material world/flesh/the physical or low vibratory existence). The force of Nature re-establishing the truth distorted by men."

Hence, whatever is out of line with what is original and natural in the way The Great Spirit created it, will be destroyed💪🏿🙅🏾‍♀️ by that great force in turn. Therefore, restoring Maat and Universal Law👩🏿‍⚖️👨🏿‍⚖️ here on 🌍 earth.