MET(EL)O--Digging Into The Devil

Breaking Down The Meaning of Metelo/The Devil

The "fall" into lower self or flesh. The material world; materialism.
The "fall" into lower self or flesh. The material world; materialism.
Revelation 12:v[12] Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time." Moses 4:3-4--“And he became Satan, yea, even the devil, the father of all lies, to deceive and to blind men, and to lead them captive at his will, even as many as would not hearken unto my voice.”
Revelation 12:v[12] Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time." Moses 4:3-4--“And he became Satan, yea, even the devil, the father of all lies, to deceive and to blind men, and to lead them captive at his will, even as many as would not hearken unto my voice.”
The reason they were drawn as "demons" rather than humans in the older interpretational drawings is that the original beings on earth were spiritual beings that over time became encased in the flesh body, fell in vibration or energy AKA "humans". Original hue-mans were spirit before flesh, the gods/angels-angles of light/suns/Star seeds, etc. who first inhabited Gaia,  earth 🌍.
The reason they were drawn as "demons" rather than humans in the older interpretational drawings is that the original beings on earth were spiritual beings that over time became encased in the flesh body, fell in vibration or energy AKA "humans". Original hue-mans were spirit before flesh, the gods/angels-angles of light/suns/Star seeds, etc. who first inhabited Gaia, earth 🌍.
They began to use love manipulatively against one another as a means of control, rather than as a uniting power to create and build together as they had in the beginning. The man became jealous of his partner and began to use his love in a lowly way against the woman. This is where the story of Adam and his first mate 'Lilith' comes in. Lilith didn't like how Adam was trying to manipulate and dominate her and so she left him. This caused "God" to create Adam a new woman Eve, who replaced Lilith.
They began to use love manipulatively against one another as a means of control, rather than as a uniting power to create and build together as they had in the beginning. The man became jealous of his partner and began to use his love in a lowly way against the woman. This is where the story of Adam and his first mate 'Lilith' comes in. Lilith didn't like how Adam was trying to manipulate and dominate her and so she left him. This caused "God" to create Adam a new woman Eve, who replaced Lilith.
According to this, the triangle is used to hold man and woman hostage or "tied to him (The Devil; Goat of Mendes or Baphomet)" as it says here: "I close the triangle, the other two sides of which are Death and Time. In order to quit this triangle it is necessary to see that it does not exist". Also, consider this: "Why were Egyptian pharaohs buried along with treasures? Answer: Ancient Egyptians were buried with their treasures because well, it was believed that burying people with wealth would help them in the afterlife by helping them lead a luxurious and comfortable life in the afterlife". Okay, so why did they long to take 'earthly treasures to spiritual places?' It is said that "we can't take it with us", so to me, this seems like people who loved materialism and desired to have these things forever ♾️. Possibly hoping having these earthly treasures buried with them would draw them back 🔙 to the earth realm to repeat the cycle of materialism and love of earthly things and treasures in the 3rd dimensional realm? Perhaps these "Great Pyramids" are NOT as GREAT as many have been lead to quote and believe they are. Perhaps, these Pyramids are the keys 🗝️ to our being trapped in this 3rd dimensional, low🔅vibrational existence. Could it be these structures were built as a means to lower our vibrations and trap US here? They have taught us to meditate on Pyramids in meditative practices. Could this be so that we can apply our meditative powers in unknowingly keeping this 3rd dimensional illusion going on? Think about somebody like Jay Z always throwing up "the ROC" 🪨 📐! A Masonic sign applying power and magic known and unknown to this third dimensional earthly existence, world, and its sunken ways where only an elitists few benefit off of the dimmed masses! We need to be willing to think differently and let go of a lot of our old thinking patterns and ways that have been given to us by those who never had our best interests in mind to begin with. Could it be many of the things we have been encouraged to look at as "GREAT" ONLY GREAT FOR SOME AND NOT FOR ALL? Let's consider🤔💬💭😔 our programming and where it comes from and why.
According to this, the triangle is used to hold man and woman hostage or "tied to him (The Devil; Goat of Mendes or Baphomet)" as it says here: "I close the triangle, the other two sides of which are Death and Time. In order to quit this triangle it is necessary to see that it does not exist". Also, consider this: "Why were Egyptian pharaohs buried along with treasures? Answer: Ancient Egyptians were buried with their treasures because well, it was believed that burying people with wealth would help them in the afterlife by helping them lead a luxurious and comfortable life in the afterlife". Okay, so why did they long to take 'earthly treasures to spiritual places?' It is said that "we can't take it with us", so to me, this seems like people who loved materialism and desired to have these things forever ♾️. Possibly hoping having these earthly treasures buried with them would draw them back 🔙 to the earth realm to repeat the cycle of materialism and love of earthly things and treasures in the 3rd dimensional realm? Perhaps these "Great Pyramids" are NOT as GREAT as many have been lead to quote and believe they are. Perhaps, these Pyramids are the keys 🗝️ to our being trapped in this 3rd dimensional, low🔅vibrational existence. Could it be these structures were built as a means to lower our vibrations and trap US here? They have taught us to meditate on Pyramids in meditative practices. Could this be so that we can apply our meditative powers in unknowingly keeping this 3rd dimensional illusion going on? Think about somebody like Jay Z always throwing up "the ROC" 🪨 📐! A Masonic sign applying power and magic known and unknown to this third dimensional earthly existence, world, and its sunken ways where only an elitists few benefit off of the dimmed masses! We need to be willing to think differently and let go of a lot of our old thinking patterns and ways that have been given to us by those who never had our best interests in mind to begin with. Could it be many of the things we have been encouraged to look at as "GREAT" ONLY GREAT FOR SOME AND NOT FOR ALL? Let's consider🤔💬💭😔 our programming and where it comes from and why.
Throwing up the ROC
Throwing up the ROC

Meaning of Metelo from the Sola Busca Tarot Deck


Internal struggles. Fighting between friendly parties.



Similar and opposite words

From Oxford Languages



past tense: met; past participle: met


come into the presence or company of (someone) by chance or arrangement.



meet up with

come face to face with

make contact with

run into/across

come across/upon

chance on

happen on

light on

stumble across/on


El- an elevated railroad or section of railroad

Meaning:Diety, God; Light, sunray. El is a gender-neutral name with Hebrew and Greek origins that packs plenty of meaning in the two letters it holds. In the Hebrew language, El means “deity” or “god,” and is a unique choice if you want to teach baby that there's more to life than the physical world.Feb 7, 2024,life%2520than%2520the%2520physical%2520world.&ved=2ahUKEwiR1LPrh8WEAxWaEkQIHXomAlQQFnoECCAQBQ&usg=AOvVaw00N_EgP_mwqo2TYrHKqN2o

El - Baby Name Meaning, Origin and Popularity - The Bump

What means letter O?

1. the fifteenth letter of the English alphabet: from the Greek omega and omicron, both borrowed from the Phoenician. 

Letters in the alphabet:

Letter Number Letter

15 - O is number 15 in the alphabet 1+5=6;  The positive aspects of 6 in numerology are domestic happiness, harmony, stability, balance, and nurturing. It resonates with the vibrations of love, compassion, and responsibility. 6 Negative Traits: Self-righteousness, obstinacy, stubborn, dominates family and friends, meddling, egotistical and susceptible to flattery, outspoken, disconnected, unaware, hypocritical, moral superiority, weak, unpractical, superiority complex, impractical, submissive, shallowness, restlessness, selfishness, weak-willed, unsupportive, easily-stressed.


meter **(another word for "metelo")

v. put, place; insert; shove; introduce; enclose; intrude; involve; engage; yank off; gather; deal, give; wager, bet; gamble; invest; cause, make happen, bring about; score, earn a point (in a game, etc.) "Free dictionary online // Spanish to English Dictionary"

meter (Spanish)

Origin & history

From Latin mittere, present active infinitive of mittō ("I send, I put"), from Proto-Indo-European *meyth₂-, *mith₂- ("to exchange, remove"). meter (Spanish)

Origin & history

From Latin mittere, present active infinitive of mittō ("I send, I put"), from Proto-Indo-European *meyth₂-, *mith₂- ("to exchange, remove").

Origin & history I

From Middle English meten, from Old English metan ("to measure, mete out, mark off, compare, estimate; pass over, traverse"), from Proto-Germanic *metaną ("to measure"), from Proto-Indo-European *med- ("to measure, consider").

Lo: Origin & history I

From Middle English lo‎, loo, from Old English lā‎ ("exclamation of surprise, grief, or joy"). Conflated in Middle English with lo! ("interjection"), a corruption of lok!, loke! ("look!") (as in lo we! (look we!)). Cognate with Scots lo‎, lu ("lo"). See also look.

lo (Luxembourgish)


IPA: /loː/



Alternative form of elo (such as Elohim)

elo: link

•lo (Spanish)

Origin & history


neuter definite article used to make abstract nouns from adjectives; the

   lo pobre

   the poorness (about)

   the poor (thing about)

   that (which is) poor (about)

"Lo" can mean different things in different languages. In the case of "Metelo" all I could find was Spanish meanings for this word. Therefore, I will suppose that it is a Spanish word.

**My addition 

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