The Five Major Destiny Cards of Amos N. Wilson

Amos N. Wilson's Destiny Cards. We will concentrate, as has been my habit, on the Birth Card and its five major influence cards: Long Range, Pluto, Result, Environment and Displacement Cards.
Amos N. Wilson's Destiny Cards. We will concentrate, as has been my habit, on the Birth Card and its five major influence cards: Long Range, Pluto, Result, Environment and Displacement Cards.
6💎 Long Range Card
6💎 Long Range Card

Ok. Let us start with Bro. Wilson's last year before transitioning on January 14, 1995, which would start on his birthday on February 23, 1994. His first card is 6 💎 Long Range Card. It speaks of this card being a "very steadying influence " that would "extend strongly for an entire year." So, if he was in good financial shape at the time, this influence would last throughout the given year. If not in good financial standing, he could find himself "in a rut and struggling to get ahead, constantly beset with unpaid bills that would sap" his "accounts." "This powerful 'karma card' insures that any imbalances in" his "financial picture would be evened out during this year. This may mean paying off existing debts or being repaid money that he loaned earlier."

I have the video where Bro. Amos speaks of how he went into one of his business ventures with no money, just faith and a vision for what it was he wanted. From there, everything else just seemed to come together. The office building, another brother that he had just casually met who would become an investor in Bro. Wilson's vision, who had connections to help Bro. Wilson manifest his vision and so on. Because of a recent move and "technical difficulties," I am unable at this time to post the video where he explained these events. I will however add it to the post once I can find the video and retrieve it. 

I suppose these sequences of events could have been the Planetary Influences of the 6💎 Long Range Card, manifesting into Bro. Wilson's reality. He may have been in the position at this interval of his life, having gotten into several business ventures by this time (He was senior partner of African Research Publications as well as a senior partner of Harlem Graphics Art Center), that may have afforded him the ability to pay off his acquired debts to those who had helped him along the way. 

Also, in the same vein, with the 6 💎 Long Range Card being a "powerful karma card," in Bro. Amos video, You Reap What You Sow, at about 28:24 minutes until about 29:13 minutes, he encouraged his audience to support him and his business partners project at that time: Falsification and Mislabeling of  Black Consciousness and Behavior. He specified that it was "not a personal, wealth creating project" and that he "did not make one nickle from the selling of books."

He made it clear that he and "his partners made no personal income from the selling of their books." "The books are there principally for information and for developing a means of communicating very important information to our community. And for developing other economic projects that are important to our community," as he also said.

3❀ Pluto Card and 4💎 Result Card
3❀ Pluto Card and 4💎 Result Card

Here in 3❀ Pluto, it speaks of the possibility that Bro. Amos may have been experimenting with different types of intimate and social relationships at the time. "Coming to some sort of decision as to how to handle this would then be the major challenge for" him that "year." It goes on to say: "To access the most positive levels of this influence, see yourself meeting new and interesting people and learning to express your feelings more clearly to everyone that is special to you." I think this excerpt from someone who claims that they were blessed enough to get to develop a close relationship with Dr. Amos N. Wilson in the last few years of his earthly existence, will help to personalize what the 3❀ Pluto Card here, relates to us:

I would suppose this excerpt would cover the 4💎 Result Card's meanings, along with the 3❀ Pluto Card. Yet, to add to this, I would also surmise that the good doctor's appraisal of African's traditions of passing on information from one generation to the next, orally, as sacred. At the same time, he made it clear, that the oral method was archaic as well, and that though not wrong, needed to be respected but enhanced by newer methods of transmitting information. He fervently suggested that we would have to employ computers and other machines as a part of the technological age that we are now living in. The writing, printing and reading of our own materials was HIGHLY encouraged, by Dr. Wilson.

7 of Clubs Environment
7 of Clubs Environment

I am sure that through researching throughout Bro. Wilson's catalogue of books, lectures and videos, it becomes apparent that his works were not only based on basic psychology, politics, and economics but went deeper. He not only used and taught these vehicles as a physical basis of survival, but too,  showed us that our physical survival was in fact a spiritual process as well. That our physical well being is also tied into our spiritual progression and health.

As we can see, this card speaks of some possible fears that Bro. Amos may have had. Some uncertainties perhaps. If we look back at the excerpt from Kobi Kambon that I posted earlier in this blog, "Kobi" speaks of how he and Brother Wilson "shared our varied stories about trials and tribulations, joys and pains, etc., that we had experienced in our lives as we did work on behalf of Black/Afrikan people."  I wonder if one of those fears had to do with possibly losing his life in some mysterious way  because of his love for his people, before he could see his envisioned hope for the victory of his people to least the part he hoped to contribute. 










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